Tutoring made simple.
Getting started is easy as 1, 2, 3...
At Fly Learner, we believe that access to quality education should be at everyone's fingertips. That's why we've made it easy for students to connect with the best tutors from around Australia. Here's a step-by-step guide on how our platform works:

Sign up
Create a free account by providing us with your basic information - you can also let us know if you have any specific tutoring needs.

Browse tutors
Use our advanced search filters to find the perfect tutor. You can search by subject, hourly rate, availability, and more.

View tutor profiles
Each profile includes information on the tutor's qualifications, experience, and teaching methods. You can also read reviews from other students.

Schedule a session
Once you've found the perfect tutor, you can send them a message and schedule a session at a time that works for you. Once you are ready to book, you can enter your payment details to confirm your session with your tutor!

Attend your session either online or in person. If you're online, you can use video, audio, and chat to communicate with your tutor and share files or resources.

At the end of the session, you can leave feedback for your tutor and for other students to see! You can then mark your lesson as complete and payment will be released to your tutor.
Better Learning. Better Results.
Join our community today!
Sign up as a student to explore our full range of tutors and connect with your perfect match.
Expert tutors. Expert learning.
Online education platform for all
We understand that every student has unique needs and learning styles. That's why we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you're not satisfied with your first session, we'll go above and beyond to help you find a tutor that is a better match for you or your child.
We also offer a variety of package deals and subscriptions to help you save money and make the most of your tutoring experience. And, if you're not sure what package is best for you, our customer service team is always available to assist you connecting with a tutor.
Sign up today and discover the difference that Fly Learner can make in your education! With our help, you'll be acing those exams and impressing your teachers in no time.
Better Learning. Better Results.
Join our community today!
Sign up as a student to explore our full range of tutors and connect with your perfect match.